Ilegal Immigration a Block to Slavery Restitution and Freedom
A nations judgement in quest to judge it's self relative to it's foundation and slavery is an awesome responsibility because the slaves did not come here by choice. The moral and political flames of illegals entering this nation relative to it's laws is a joke, especially, when it's rooted in economics, religion and law. The slaves broke no law while being stripped from their culture-families and land. Treated like animal-forced into free labor to build the foundation of this nation while decimating the Indian called Red Savages. It was these Red Savages and Spanish peoples who created the Mexicans. The latter now have a border to the south of what is called the United States of America, where much havoc reigns supreme-and this country is overwhelmed with the cried of illegal immigration-all along the border-in particular California and Arizona. If these folk are crossing the border illegally to gain employment and make their lives better for themselves and families-which by the way is supported by the Catholic Church-what do you think of the Black slaves who built the foundation and was never paid, yet, was told he was free on this same land-sustained and enforced by another religion called-African Methodist Church-nothing more than sustained Slavery-knowing the slaves never put himself in this hell hole and the Africans on the land-wealthy families know it! On the other hand-Mexican leaders and families under the Treaty Guadalupe Hildigo, sold their Peoples and Lands out to this government-for thirty to fifty Million dollars in Gold and Silver-neither the Government or it's people mention this truth. It's my opinion it's because of economics and Spiritual sellout of Blacks in this nation-creating Genocide here making it easy to steal the land and continent there! What prevented it was Divine Intervention and Black power-The truth Of Prophecy-Jacobs Seed and the House of Israel and the Land called Canaan-representing Abraham-Isaac and Jacob. The Black Judas sellouts on that continent-this Government along with the Caucasians of what is Called Israel in the East want the Birthright of Jacob and they created the "One Day War" of 1968-a war they never speak of because God wiped them out! Under the protection of Simeon-Reuben of the twelve house crossed over the Jordan-into the land that Dr.King spoke of...he himself could not did not enter that land. This knowledge gets us back to the slaves who labored here and were never paid. The prophecy is about them. It's not about integration and love in the melting pot with nothing. It's not even about Isis and Egypt who tried to take our spirit like Samson-or the prayers of Mecca in Saudi Arabia-concerning Ishmael's and Esau-it's About God -Prophecy Jacob- In Israel -Ethiopia- the Ark of the covenant that The Muslims tried to destroy-Zionist tried to steal-witnesses lying about Man as the Black woman and others tried to kill him off and take his Divine Spirit!...knowing this is not the Black man's Land -not his system! 11/15/2010 (c) Reuben-son of Simeon Seed of Jacob ......Slaves will and must be paid-Justice reign Supreme!