Semitic Region Called the Middle East And Land claimed by Caucasians of Eastern Europe Can't and will Never work!
From the 'Door of Life and the Kings highway' I am Reuben-Seed of Jacob Sun Son of Simeon and the Twelfth House of Israel. Prophecy and Justice tells us, 'there will be no peace among the Combatants ...neither Arab or Demonic Jews claiming the Land and Birthright of Jacob belonging in ('Black Israel).' Judea and Judas along with Esau and these lying hypocritical, blood thirsty Caucasian Vampires Zionist, calling themselves Hebrews Israelites, Jews, of Biblical Prophecy, are phonies to the bone. Their claim and intent is to Annex and take over the entire region called the 'Middle East!' They failed because of the '1968 One Day War! Spiritual Divine Intervention and Reuben's involvement in the Aliyah ( Rapture). The world and Judas Sellouts must have thought 'God was dead and prophecy was some kind of social popularity contest giving in too these phonies whom they knew were frauds causing political and economic woes in Europe. 'Black Death and Slavery in Africa! 'Lest We Forget these are the same Caucasian Zionist from Europe working with the 'White Power Structure in South Africa pushing the Slave trade while creating weapons of mass destruction, including, the Atomic Bomb! They believe in 'Black Genocide and Destruction while smiling in your face keeping you poor with High interest rates in America using deception, Identity thief and Black belief in integration for the wrong reasons! The Book of Revelations will tell you and their acts, will show you, they are not Jews at all!...pretending to be apart of ' Semitic Judaism, the original Tribes of Israel, knowing they never were and could never be! This accounts for so much turmoil in the region there and among Blacks here. It's all Usury! ...Faking it, too Make it! Slavery has never been addressed truthfully except by 'Marcus Garvey and his Back to Africa Movement'. It was the 'Hunt Foundation which funded Elijah Muhammad, Masons and Muslims who in turn, destroyed his movement. They accept Abraham, while discarding Isaac and Jacob as 'Spookism! Even my Twin Brother' Raymond was caught up in the madness of Arab Islam' along with Khalid Muhammad and a whole host of Others! It even confused one of my mentors at times. (Mr Sanford Alexander, of the 'Herald Dispatch News paper!' Now it comes out-their new leader is fighting God, Spiritual Wisdom and Truth in Prophecy. No matter! Truth is still truth! The ( One Day War 1968-Kings High way, defeat of phony Zionist, White Israel' and Isis in the Book of the Dead, headed by Dr Legon' with 'Watts' leading the foundation, proves, my God in Black Israel no Fake, in Righteous Judgment. After all the talk and promotion by hypocritical phonies, lying punks and pimps in the pulpits benefiting lying wenches and begging bitches using Jesus and Islam knowing they want nothing to do with trust, truth and love of self and kind, they would rather go down with 'White Supremest' and lying Black devils trying to kill off righteous Black men as heads of their domains and families. They are hypocrites to the bone and want nothing too do with reclaiming their God given Lands or the claim of debt owed for land and free Slave labor in Genocide ! Here's the truth in righteous judgment. They wanted my destruction As Reuben, Seed of Jacob and foundation of Spiritual faith, in action, that caused the judgment I walked. A Judgment they can't undo! Sealing their own fate in jealousy and envy not wanting Justice, Real Freedom and Sovereignty for those they claim to represent! They must now find the 'Needle in the hay stack relative too the 'Kings High Way'... go through it themselves, as a group or as individuals which they can't fake involving fire air earth and water and the long knives and warriors of Justice. Think in terms of a Juice Blender- a garbage disposal moving in all directions along the path of faith they created for believers, keeping us from getting to the other side they claimed, they owned! Let Ecclesiastes, Acts and Revelations be your guide. God of truth must be with you cause the devil knows he can't make it! Slavery is over and Black is Still Beautiful. By Faith (C) 5/30/2017 Reuben, by Faith ... Abraham Isaac and Jacob! We are all not the Same! In our season, God Is Supreme Lord of The Living Most High-in the door of Life! Reuben Beckles