To young Black Players of NBA-caught in the Arms of Slavery reaping Cause and Effect!
It is truly a sad situation to watch young Black talented basketball players get caught up with bloodsucking vampires not of your own making! Some of your team mates who come from other parts of the world know of the slave foundation in this nation and could care less about the dilemma facing you-your careers and family. I don't know the extent of your knowledge concerning the History and Black slavery as the foundation of this nation but what I do know from what I hear and read is that you are all being used as a gigantic scheme as pawns in the game of so-called civil rights and freedom. You belong to the nation within this nation of Black folk who were brought to this land in chains and shackles to labor and serve European Caucasians-aided and enforced by Black Judas sellouts, Politically, economically and religiously. I am sure that many of you are aware of this truth...but like many of us across this nation- we are living in total denial and are reacting to the action and statements made by your slave master( Mr Donald Sterling) the Billionaire- who is reported to have stated that your people don't help one another- but he, Mr Sterling pays you and your family a very good and heavy salary-for food, clothes, housing, cars and jewelry and other things to play and entertain white folk who buy and sit in the audience knowing most blacks are entertained while watching TV. I'm no apologist for any white folk-but I know truth when I hear it and I'm sure you do too! This Country was created for white folk and as such is maintained for that purpose. so why the confusion? He and his circle of friends and business associate all know and feel like the Slave Master to the Slaves-you and others like you are not free on this land in this country! You would do well to fight for what's yours. If not- stay well and continue on as Pawns in the game-between the Zionist Jews-in identity theft and the Christian Gentiles-claiming this system and land! Where is your land and system? Should you want more information tune into www. Bloggers-you-tube and Twitter! (c) Reuben Seed of Jacob Sun of Simeon. Reuben Beckles July 25th/2014