Clear the air of Slavery in America-By Black For Black
To clear the air with truth and love of ones self in relation to one's own God's force is to bring redemption to self and kind. To continue on a path of helping and loving every one and people other than self is insane. At the end of the day you and your children will have no future-no foundation-no life's force-nothing but doom and death! No amount of talk concerning-love -religion-education-money or back in the day will be of any value because you have a profound hatred of your self. You live-fight and die in every one's business but your own. When other nationalities choose to take care of their business excluding you-there are cries of racism! My attention was drawn to a word covered by the national and international news media last week-a word that almost bought the nation to a stand still because of the action an attitude of Black intelligentsia. The word spoken by a Caucasian woman to a Black woman married to a white man was(niggard)! The amount of time and energy given to this word was insane! Can you imagine what would happen if this time and energy could have been spent on finding a solution to the real black problems in this nation relative to race. To me this insane foolishness was generated as a ploy by colored and white folk to get Black folk involved in the insanity! The hostess of the show using the word was stated to be Jewish-strange, Helen Thomas, who no -longer works as a White House Correspondent -told her and other so-called Jews to stop playing games occupying other peoples land and go back to where they came from-(Europe)! My position is that they are Not the Jews of Divine Prophecy of Scripture(Bible) not Semitic and not from the Seed of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob-which gets us to the real problem of Blacks in America' constantly selling themselves, knowledge and spirits to Caucasian Zionist-to religions for thirty pieces of silver-same as Judas and the San Hedron Counsel-Blacks selling spirits out to Rome and others. When the time came to free the Slaves of America-these knowledgeable leaders ended up fighting for Americas white power structure and the continuation of slavery even though they knew prophecy and slavery was over! They knew the foundation of this nation and Black-the only group sold-brought to this nation in chains and shackles against their will and endured insanity unknown to any people on the planet-yet-we survive-we live! Our solution is to be paid by this nation and people then return home to our land and redeem ourselves in a state of redemption-to the spirit of God-Self and Kind and to hell with these other folk who don't give a damn for themselves and feel nothing for you except your destruction in usury. The whole civil rights movement-the rise and fall within the nation of Islam to the whole issue, fabric of and insane people and a people who have all but losted their minds. You cannot continue to state you want freedom -independence respect and Justice without demanding that which is yours in relation to your foundation on this land in this system that is not yours-while at the same time fight for a melting pot of integration while your future and children are being eaten alive- and you and your leaders proclaim(back in the day when you called us niggers-we went to church-said Amen-watch Black folk being burned-lynched-beaten-kicked -stomped mis-used and abused beyond all moral perception. Back in the day is today...leadership crying-moaning over poor education-no jobs-home fore closers-home life in question as prison population rises and printed money gets funny...all while the Elite Black Intelligentsia-fight their White counterpart over the word Niggard! I hope you will visit me on my Blogger-Twitter and YouTube where we talk Solution-not fun and game! (c) August 17Th 2010 Reuben Seed of Jacob- sun of Simeon ....Reuben Beckles