Spiritual Judgement In Black Truth
The end of slavery came to America in the sixties in the form a square and Black power emanating from a (360 degree circle of time) in the divine flow of prophecy for black folk who were being held in check by those with 33 degrees or less-They are called free, ancient and accepted. They do the bidding, the dirty work for the Caucasians of this nation and the common wealth of distant lands in religions and secret societies and the Sanhedrin council who taught and transferred their knowledge and spirit to the houses of Europe-the same as Judas who sold out Christ and Israel. When the knowledge of truth and freedom had gone full circle and the time for prophecy to unfold those in knowledge and control in whatever station in life they held hated themselves and kind and choose instead to submit to the devil and became one with Satan. Their death and many generations created chaos-turmoil and suffering for Blacks all over the planet and gave temporal and spiritual power and happiness to Caucasians of Europe and white folk in general while regulating black folk to the cross-criss-cross and the double cross! These phonies and do-good pretenders who talk about having black folk interest at heart are just that phonies! They don't want you to know that the fires of Watts in August-1960 broke the devil's power and the "One Day War" of 1968 in the middle east was an attempt by Satan to destroy prophecy in relation to (Jacob-the Black man, by claiming the divine birthright and steal the promised land on the other side of the Jordan! While our homes were being destroyed and families thrown to the wind the law of death was given to anyone caught enabling the slave to read and write while new covenants were placed before the minds eye, suggesting Jacob had stole the birthright from Esau, who in truth and fact, wanted nothing to do with that birthright which he said had no value- and sold it to Jacob! Today, we hear a lot about this being the land of freedom and opportunity equality for all-all who have and those trying to get their just do! Take a look around you, every nationality and people are being accommodated with the blessings that you and our ancestors created and were never paid while the ball-less sissies walk around talking about their degrees and intelligent and our laziness . The situation becomes compounded and insane when you hear this foolishness coming from the mouths of black folk from Belize, the Grand Bahamas or those from the continent of Africa who push brooms and walk around as security guards with their noses in the air watching you and yours saying you are jealous because they walk around with something white on their arm knowing they hate themselves. Freedom -Land and Reparations for the Black Man in America, in relation to divine prophecy is real...Not to stand-Claim It and move on it makes you a fool as you leave you -your inheritance and kind open to the greatest form of identity thief known too Man! Let those who say I lie-I don"t have a leg to stand on and that I don't speak truth-come to me as the planet is moving towards Armageddon and the Judas sellouts having no place to go-nothing of value to claim- Slavery is over...Justice will be done!...You have a family and you watch an intruder climbing through your window to do you and your family harm- you have the means to protect yourselves...instead you call the slave master whose code name is (911)
Reuben Beckles @July 31 2007
Reuben Beckles @July 31 2007