Time entering a New Dimension in Black power and Spiritual Truth!
What good is birth-experience-education knowledge and wisdom if all you can do is beg, moan and groan as Black Original Stock on the Planet ? The world knows Black Slavery is alive and well in America and the Claim for Freedom-Justice and Independence is just, rooted in Land, Restitution and Reparations!....Given even to Animals and Blessed by the Church! So what's the problem? Envy, jealousy, deception and greed on the part of Black leadership in the homes and institutions where Black Judas sellouts enforce 'White Supremacy and the Colored code- by educated lying wenches and begging bitches in the Pulpits on the parts of both Males and Females who hate themselves feeling nothing for Black! Critical Analysis and observation will bare witness to this truth! If you have lived and heard ' Dr Frances Cress Welsing ' run down on the Colored code system across the land stating " White is Right ! Yellow is Mellow! Brown Stick around! Black is Nothing! Get Back! Then you know, this is their reality as they push Equality and integration of Creoles, Mulattose Octoroons, Quadrones as Black, to be accepted as Black. ( In reality they are the Caucasians Sons and Daughters who does not carry the Black man's seed. Then what is the Obvious?...Usury! A game of Conspiracy too destroy Black. This type of Critical Analysis and thinking is credited and due from a Black man from ' Georgia. A Lawyer by the name of ( Alton Maddox} who from time to time shared the speaking stage with one' Dr. William Mackey' who like myself, helped to expose these fake, lying pretending vampire, Zionist Jews! These crazy folk even have Mexicans who were sold out through the 'Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, joining the masons and Zionist trying to make a claim in the 'Promised Land,' while fighting Black, knowing it's not their history. How do I know he's telling the truth? They have help from Black men and women in your secret societies along with the Vatican telling them we're all the same trying to move them in a spiritual house not there's. In my Action I walked through the Scriptures including the Book of Revelation!' This is the same as denying the statement of 'Louis Farrakhan to Alex Jones..." We're Both Fighting God!...Promoting a "White Teacher and Savior as Caucasian!' Guess What? It was Dr Ali Mazuri who was the Host of the African ' T.V. Episode that told the World ' Islam would not be destroyed from outside forces, but would implode from within- which was setup by the Original Jews as a Religion. 'Lest We forget' The Building of Gods Kingdom' set in motion By Dr Myles Monroe from the Grand Bahama's before his plane cracked up in a nearby Mountain His Masonic Brothers could not finish the project to this day! None to this day has attempted too contact 'Reuben Seed of Jacob who Walked the Kings Highway entering the 'Door of Life." They too are pushing Satanic forces of White Power within the White community with no thought of Black Freedom and Justice in the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Like Mr Sanford Alexander, who was also from that part of the world chose to alter Prophecy in relation to Isis and the Black Females who had given the Black Man up for the European Zionist in Christianity and Shrinedom! They all became dumbfounded and refused to believe the "War of 1968' proved to be their undoing when 'Reuben took action, Crossed over Jordan and took the Spiritual Land and Throne in Black Israel.....Slavery from the Garden was over! Now they must deal with the reality of the real Kingdom of God and the claim made by Reuben for his family self and kind! Supreme Lord of the Living Most High God Is! (C) 7/17/2017 From the Kings highway and the Door of Life- Black Power-Black is Beautiful! No Game Trick or Lies!!! Reuben Sun Son Man of Simeon! Action by Faith Reuben Beckles
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