Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Monday, July 10, 2017

Partiscipation of Black politicians and Warriors in Wars around the world-peticularly from America- pure folly!

When Blacks in America-males and females give their minds, body's souls and spirits to fight and die for this nation being all they can be, knowing their history as captive, unwilling slaves, for a promissory note and talk of being all you can be under a 'Constitution' that tells you, you're nothing, not even a Man as they put into actions deeds of lynching's castrations, poor schooling if any...has his way with your women folk at will-while burning you at the stake if you look at his woman.  He then adds insults too his insane attitudes by telling you and your never had it so good because we freed you from yourselves, taking and destroying your Culture-Language, Land, families, stealing your History and committing  Genocide upon you and yours by serving you decaying schools and rotten foods-with his claim to 'Serve and Protect' the Dope and Profits they own making sure the profits enters their banks.  Their real job is too make sure the Males don't get a real handle on what is really taking place keeping them on the bottom of their insanity as you languish in jails across the land as a token of their appreciation for your stupidity in his 'Democracy!...relaxing his body and feet in your women's bed! Both he and your women folk who in the main, work for and serve him, watch as you leave these shores too die and fight in distance lands promoted by Black Judas Sellouts-from Judea and Ministry from America pulpits under the direction and leadership  Of' White European Zionist' claiming to be Black Jews and Hebrews of Biblical Black Scripture and Prophecy, knowing they're nothing more than bloodthirsty Vampires and impostors ...with an extreme desire for recognition-over Black( to be Gods of the Universe!  The Wars they created in 'Central and South America- Mexico,  Iraq Iran Syria Golden triangle of Cambodia- Vietnam- Korea...all over Africa-North West East and South which includes Saudi Arabia Kuwait and Qatar'  are wars to destroy Black Man's knowledge and being in America, while holding his families hostage.  Steal not just the resources of these other lands and cultures but, their Spiritual Knowledge In Bibles and Manuscripts to be shared in the Vatican- Switzerland and the impostors of European Zionism.  These are some of the same folk pushing Islam and Scientology in Black America, through the Hunt Foundation'.  Comes now the faith and truth in action for Black folk in America as Slaves too consider and claim as Critical Thought in Action from the Original to the Garden.  Egypt-Ethiopia.  Moses, Lawgiver! Christ by Faith In the Supreme faith in the Father, Sacrificed Himself! Abraham Isaac and Jacob were all driven by Faith!  In the Satanic attempt to destroy the Word in Prophecy and steal the promised lands of Black Israel' Reuben Seed of Jacob, Sun Son Man of Simeon, was Chosen By the Supreme Lord of the Living Most High' through Divine Intervention,  to carry the Ancient Scroll through Watts'   ...starting the Black Spiritual Revolution!  The defeat of White European Israel and her sex oriented book of Isis, the dead  bloodthirsty vampires.  Impostors all!...Ending  the 'New World Order  from the Garden!' ...made possible by ( The One Day War of 1968) and Reuben's Spiritual Judgment,  across the Jordan River, into the Land,  House and Throne of Reuben In Black Israel!  Land that Satan, Esau and   Black Judas sellouts told the world was theirs to own and control...knowing it was a lie! They were all defeated in that War and Judgment!  The Spiritual Rapture was Reuben's ascension by Faith,  who at the time had no knowledge of  The Nine and a half tribal sellouts to integrated Caucasians Zionists...knowing it was not theirs to sell which created  death, slavery, genocide and destruction!   The Judas sellout-impostors, lying hypocrites, are  never to be trusted!  They have no Righteous claim on anything....and they know it! Our fight and claim comes with Compounded Land and interest.   From the Kings Highway and the door of truth and  Life. (C) 7/10/2017   Faith.  Black is Beautiful!  Abraham Isaac and Jacob!                    Reuben Beckles              No Game Lies and No Tricks...God Is Supreme!


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