Black Folk Action and Truth by Reuben Beckles

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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Kingdom of Gods Sovereignty not represented! All faking it too make it!

Three strikes and you're out!  You have no account in the bank, yet, gun in hand, you're ready to relieve depositors , failed! Across the board, every body talks about their truth in righteousness and God.  From Egypt, Ethiopia, Rome and the Vatican-  England Spain and all over Caucasian Europe including Central- North and South America with Mexico, Black and Latinos...Judas Spiritual Sellouts to their Caucasian brothers in this mass Conspiracy and Criminal acts of death and destruction, bloodthirsty wannabe's Jews at the head.  The above know these lying hypocrites are impostors, moving in concert with selfishness  greed and deceit.   Envy jealousy and contempt for what is RIGHT AND JUST -trying to destroy the 'Divine Creator and his Creation'...mad because three strikes, You're Out!  Across the board these lying wenches, begging bitches and their pimp hustling sissies in the pulpits churches ( Judaism- Christianity   Islam ) going along to get along with out the true righteous foundation and Kingdom of God in Black Israel in Spirit, Faith and Truth!  No Game Tricks and Lies!  Can't fake it too make it!  'Watts wasn't about faking it"  It was about a revolution and the foundation of Black Slavery and all it's insane ill's that persist  today.  The only people  and their descendants that didn't arrive here of their own free will.  The Continent is wallowing in hell today because of the greedy, selfishness of low life leadership-then and now; just like Judas sellouts here, faking it too make it, ( failed !  Must and will pay the price!  They didn't find the Kings highway in Black Israel.  Gods Kingdom ( Sovereignty or Land nor did they walk through the eye of the needle in truth and Judgment to fight with God ...not against,  God!  A Judgment, not of talk, but  action. So now you have Shriners-Masons Eastern Stars-Illuminati-ISIS- hiding out in defeat of Isis along with the ( One Day War -1968)  defeat and claim of the birthright of  Sumirians and Gentiles of non Semitic  origin... Impostors, Zionist, Caucasian Jewry going to war against God and prophecy trying to steal land not theirs  while at the same time denying Reuben's Spiritual  Rapture, Cross the Jordan into the Land of his Birthright and linage..."Black Israel and the Twelfth House and foundation of Israel.  Black Power, Black Truth!  This should shed light on what was taking place in the Babylonia  area at the time of Christ who told his Disciples" Not to go in these Non Semitic ways- but to the Lost Found Sheep of Israel"  Today, as then, his Disciples did just the opposite and in the end...they denounced him!   So what is being lived today relative to prophecy in Synagogues, Mosques and Churches who profess  Belief and Knowledge in Christ of the  Living Most High God and where is their Wisdom in action?  What does this truth have to do with the faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob ?  A Leopard  never changes it's spots- Black is still beautiful and a low down dirty devil is still  a scum bag!   To the Black Slaves belonging to Israel in America, the Claim remains the same with  Compounded Interest.  I am Reuben from the Kings Highway and the Door of  Life! (C) 7/5/2017   Love too Truth- King to Spirit -Spirit-Spirit Soul Too Soul Time...God is !  Can't fake it  Too  Make it! Stay Well!    Three Strikes- You're Out!           Reuben Beckles


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